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In 1992 the church adopted "an ELCA Strategy for Responding to Sexual Abuse in the Church," concrete policies and procedures for dealing with reports of clergy misconduct and for providing preventive education 

ELCA Sexual Abuse Policies and Procedures Link

ELCA Safe Connections Link

What are the Catholic's doing - It is very impressive (link)


What does my local Green Bay Dioceses WEB

site have for resources (link)?


Freedom for the Captives is a ministry of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).


The WELS Lutherans have been working on a sexual abuse prevention program since 2015. This WELS prevention program is being lead by Pastor Ben Sadler (Link). Pastor Sadler heard a sexual abuse talk by Victor Vieth (Link). From Pastor Sadler “1) One of every four women and one of every six men have been or will be abused. At first, I couldn’t wrap my head around those numbers. That meant that about a quarter of my congregation were probably survivors, as well a quarter of my friends and neighbors, and a quarter of my community. And probably a quarter of you reading this.


If those numbers are accurate (and they are probably low), then why is nobody talking about this? Because almost 100 percent of survivors are suffering in silence.”


Pastor Sadler, speaking with survivors has changed my life (Link)

Pastor Sadler Sermon on Abuse


The WELS are rolling out, in April, “Stand up for Children” – Catholics have “Protecting God’s Children”. At Pilgrim, we call our Prevention Program “Pilgrim’s Safe Initiative”.


Catholics - They have the best child abuse prevention program in my opinion. I am so impressed at the growth and the scope in protecting children. Virtus Link     Green Bay Dioceses Safe Environment Director Link  



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